School Synergy Snacks’ participation as a host at European Social Enterprise Shadowing Program

It’s been a great pleasure for 3S to participate, from 24 to 29 of October, in the international social entrepreneurship program SEHUBS, co-financed by the EU and the ERASMUS+ program and coordinated in Greece by the Athens Lifelong Learning Institute.

We hosted and exchanged experiences, knowledge and good practices with Mrs. Sylvia Dimova, social worker at Bakery “Radost” (Joy) of “Joy for Our Children” Foundation from Varna, Bulgaria. The organization’s work shares many common characteristics with that of 3S, mainly the common purpose of the professional integration of people with disabilities and the company’s activity which is the production and marketing of handmade bakery and pastry products.

It was a particularly constructive week during which Mrs. Efi Chrysou, member and operational manager of our SE, together with our employee, Mrs. Irini, coordinated the job shadowing program and ensured a pleasant and mutually beneficial stay of Mrs. Dimova in Athens.

During these days we had the opportunity to show our guest around our Company’s headquarters and present her our business mode. Sylvia got to know our employees and the young interns of 3S and observed all aspects of their work. She cooperated with our youngsters in receiving and fulfilling orders with our B2B and B2C customers and arranged individual interviews with them to get useful information related to their work experiences.

We also planned useful activities that gave Sylvia an overview of our operation model. We visited a selling point of Gregory’s company, that provides our products, presenting the various tools of the marketing strategy we apply. In addition, she accompanied us to the 11th Hellenic – Arab Forum, where School Synergy Snacks participated, and had the opportunity to be among the members of a large business community.

She had the opportunity to visit the school where the idea of ​​3S began, the Special Vocational Education Laboratory of Agios Dimitrios, to walk around its labs, to attend the celebration for 28th of October and also to experience, the next day, the national parade in which the special school participated.

Of course, throughout her stay, we guided her to interesting parts of the city but also to the night life of Athens, where she had the opportunity to listen to Greek live music.

The week ended with an extensive review, the filling in of questionnaires and the self-reflection of the new knowledge gained, but also with the commitment to continue a collaboration for the next period. Throughout Sylvia’s stay in Athens, the issues discussed were many and very interesting. Indicatively:

  • The educational systems of the two countries in relation to people with disabilities and their inclusion and employment prospects.
  • Legislative and social issues and various restrictions we face.
  • The role of specialized professionals, such as social workers and psychologists, in these integration efforts of people with disabilities.
  • The role of international organizations and associations, as helpers in social initiatives and small-scale efforts like ours.
  • Financing difficulties of such efforts that cannot operate by the standards of entirely commercial enterprises.


Green Arrow Clip Art - Animated Arrow Gif Png Transparent Png | Green arrow, Clip art, Animation  You can see the video created by Sylvia documenting her visit to Athens and our SE.   


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